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Newark, NJ

Newark’s West & Central Village is a resilient community that’s home to more than 9,000 residents who aspire to transform their neighborhood into a community of choice. After three decades of promoting homeownership opportunities in the neighborhood, Habitat for Humanity of
Greater Newark (HFHGN)
responded to the call of addressing a wide-range of quality-of-life issues in the Study Area. In the fall of 2016, HFHGN submitted a collaborative proposal to the Wells Fargo Regional Foundation for a Neighborhood Planning Grant. The grant was awarded in the spring 2017 and the planning process kicked off soon thereafter.



Dubbed the West & Central Village Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy, this document includes a 10-year vision for the future of the neighborhood and implementation goals for the first five years. Action strategies were developed for the following components: Neighborhood Building, Community Safety, Jobs/Economic Opportunity, Housing, Youth/Education, and Community Health.


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