Pittsburgh, PA
Urban Partners was retained by the Hill CDC to conduct a cultural uses programming market analysis for the reuse of the New Granada Theater. Our analysis focused on
the cultural market for reuse of the theater - specifically performing and visual arts.The report contains a review of the context of the theater, including its history and layout; an assessment of cultural market conditions, including an examination of the supply and demand of area performing arts visual arts, and culinary arts venues; a profile of several potential models for the theater; and, finally, potential programming opportunities for the theater based on the current market conditions. We determined that a rehabilitated theater could support a visual arts facility, black box theater, and eventually a mid-size performance venue
seating 1,000 to 1,200 once the Hill District establishes
itself as a viable arts and entertainment destination.
We also examined the economic feasibility of redeveloping the New Granada Theater with a combination of arts and commercial uses. This analysis demonstrated an economically-viable approach to reuse that will sustain on-going operations. Specifically, it identified a potential redevelopment concept for the theater, identified potential development costs and financing approaches,
and provided an analysis of operational sustainability.