Shamokin Area Businesses for Economic Revitalization (SABER), together with the City of Shamokin and SEDA-Council of Governments, is working to prepare an Implementation Plan for Economic Revitalization. This plan will serve as the blueprint for future growth and economic development within downtown Shamokin for the next 5 years. Shamokin is a small city in Northumberland County located on the western edge of Pennsylvania's Anthracite Coal Region.
As part of this revitalization effort, Urban Partners--working with our friends at Stromberg/Garrigan & Associates--conducted a real estate market assessment evaluating retail, residential, and commercial opportunities for Shamokin. This analysis identifies the range of feasible uses that could potentially support a more active mixed-use environment in the downtown area while strengthening the City’s overall economy.
For additional information, please contact Chris Lankenau.