Altoona, PA
The Southern Alleghenies region is comprised of six counties in south-central Pennsylvania (Fulton, Huntingdon, Blair, Bedford, Somerset, and Cambria). The coal and steel industries played the leading economic role in the region historically, but only limited activities in those sectors remain viable. In light of steady population loss—particularly in the 15-to-44 years bracket—the Southern Alleghenies Planning and Development Commission (SAP&DC) has mounted a coordinated effort to diversify and strengthen the regional economy.
To provide an economic development roadmap for guiding investments within the region, SAP&DC retained Urban Partners to prepare a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). This document is being prepared in accordance to U.S. Economic Development Administration’s requirements and will serve as the guide to evaluate future EDA grant requests originating in the region. In an effort to adopt a more innovative and progressive approach that enhances transparency and user accessibility, the CEDS document was published primarily on a mobile-enabled website, using a modern, user-friendly platform. The website includes interactive mapping and data tools that will allow policy makers, stakeholders, and the public to further explore the CEDS topics.